Posts in home education
podcast listening guide: a tool for kids to retain + retell (free resource)

In early January of 2020, I adjusted our typical homeschool routines and curriculum in preparation for the arrival of our third son at the end of the month. At that time, we had no idea that a pandemic was on the horizon, nor could we foresee that the relaxed rhythms and simplified resources we had transitioned to for a temporary season would lay a foundation for some of the best learning and sweetest memories made around our table…

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planning + preparing for a new school term (free resource)

I'm going to share a cringe moment from my early years as a homeschool mama: when my oldest son was ready for some gentle preschool work, I became overly excited and temporarily lost my mind. I printed off enough material for an entire Montessori school, organized it in 47 binders, laminated 500 flashcards, and made an hour-by-hour plan for an entire 356 days. You can probably guess the end of this story already…

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an educational philosophy from scripture (free resource)

I remember the day a dear friend admitted to me that though she has been homeschooling for years, she's never cracked a "homeschooling book" — those ones that are filled with educational philosophies and methods, and how-to suggestions. She said this in hushed tones as though the home education police would surely hear and drag her away for committing such a crime…

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